Yikes! Been doing my research (like the good little trainee I am) and must confess, I'm rather overawed by all the fabulously creative and talented bloggers out there. Sure I've only just skimmed the surface, but already I've stumbled across prize-worthy novels in progress, anonymous Hollywood celebs dishing the dirt, heavy-weight political spin doctors interpreting foreign policy, amateur sleuths uncovering multi-national corporate fraud and enough dry wit to host a Monty Python revival. Hard to compete with that kind of arsenal!
Lucky for me, I have my own secret weapon - wait for it... wait for it... nope, not a bloody thing. Had you going there for a second though, didn't I? No, I'm still back at the basics, all caught up with filling out the damn personal profile - this does not bode well for the future of my blogging empire. A simple question about my favourite books has turned into a quest through history to determine exactly what that book I enjoyed so much in year 9 was called, or that other one I read last year that had the guy who did that thing just before she came in and did her thing and then one of them died and then they all realised an important lesson and then it ended. Really, I don't need all this extra stress in my life! Decided to take a big step back and just leave it as it stands - 20 odd titles is probably a fairly good start, I’m not the bloody Times bestseller list (heaven forbid!).
1 Constructive Critisisms:
I'm pretty sure that Denmark is a made-up country.
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