Monday, November 14, 2005


In my web wanderings today I read about a little exercise called Page 123. Not sure what the purpose is, but let's trust the good people of blog-land and go with it.

Here are the instructions...
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for the "cool" or "intellectual" book on your shelf! I know you were thinking about it. Just grab whatever is closest.

So here is my contribution...

It is a solemn question, Stephen, because on it may depend the salvation of your eternal soul. But we will pray to God together. He held open the heavy hall door and gave his hand as if already to a companion in the spiritual life.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce

Well F me. Is that not the most awesome writing you've ever had the privilage to read? I know Joyce sounds like a bit of an arty-farty choice, but I honestly started re-reading this book while I was in Ireland a month ago and I've really been taking my time studying the text this time 'round. Usually if I find a passage in a book I really like, or find thought provoking, or simply can't make head nor tail of - I underline it with pencil. Well let's just say, my copy of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man looks like a 5 year old has got a hold of it and gone to town on the contents with her crayola box (from the Intro right through to the Notes people).

1 Constructive Critisisms:

Blogger Youssef Elmasri came back with...

Ok. Here are the results of my 123 exercise:

'America became well off when its workers were paid enough money to afford to buy the very houses and cars and stereos they built with their own hands. That made them happy, content, and not thinking thoughts of revolution or terrorism. The genius of Henry Ford was not only his invention of the assembly line; it was his idea that everyone should get five bucks a day (a bonanza in those times).'

Dude, Where's My Country? - Michael Moore

I guess it's not too American. Everyone has the right for a decent living if they're willing to get a job.

10:13 am  

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