Sunday, March 05, 2006

Centurion Champion

Pretty self-explainatory really - SORT'D! Yep 100 shots, 100 minutes - no chunky bits ;-) After 2 aborted attempts at uni, this was my last ditch assult on the title before hanging up my shot glass for good. It was business end of the game, there were to be no prisoners & I DOMINATED.

Maz & I deliberately went the extra mile to put on our most serious game faces; had a semi-dry night the night before (give us a break - it was a FRIDAY), tucked into some serious pie for lunch to line the stomach & then doned the team sweat bands - sexiness personified.

The evening ended a bit messily for some of the others... well actually, for most of the others. Plenty of beer made a repeat appearance, there was a bit of random nakedness, shot glass shot put, face planting, biting, Travolta-inspired chair dancing, & it's entirely possible I may have crushed a man's hand in a door for calling me 'sweetheart'.

Ahhh, it needed to happen.

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