Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the best things in life are put on credit

I live paycheck to paycheck. Recent budgetary ineptitude has enlightened me to the fact that this is not so cool. My dreams of becoming a multimillionaire slacker by the time I hit 30 seem suddenly doomed to failure.

Anyway, brainstorming ways to raise £750 by the end of this week. My options at present are as follows:

Medical Trials - a third eye could come in handy.
Busking - think a lot of people would pay good money to see me sing my way through the My Fair Lady repertoirer... dressed as a pirate (and why not).
Life of Crime - nothing big of course, just your stock standard white collar stuff - skim a little off work petty cash, deal a bit of e to friends, pick pocket a few drunks on a Friday night, set up a sweat shop exploiting the local immigrant population, etc., etc.
Prostitution - famously worked very well for Ms. Roberts... and Paris Hilton.
Second (legal) Job - ha! see, even in the midst of all my anguish I can still make jokes.
Grovel - ouch, this one hurts... 'cause we all know that's what it's going to come down to.

Money, that's what I want.

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