Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mambo Australiano

Was having an argument (... no, discussion... nah, the words 'horse's ass' were used - it was an argument) with a friend about whether Australia has a unique aesthetic the other day. He dutifully said (very unimaginatively if you ask me) it was "a fusion of the multicultural elements which make up our young population". Yawn. That's what we're force fed to believe since the age of 5... I refer you to the bloody 'I am, you are, we are Australian' song/mantra.

I'm not saying it's wrong, in fact it would be silly to say it was anything but an entirely valid and logical point. But to accept that as a definitive explanation just seems a little dismissive to me. To me, it basically says we're nothing but a derivative culture. Not going to go into a big song and dance (again!) about it, but I think we're better than that. Just to prove my point, I'm plastering this blog with one small example of a uniquely Australian design icon. I know Scott is never going to read this but, IN YOUR FACE YOU HORSE'S ASS! (please don't misunderstand, I love Scott, he's great - he just happens to be very WRONG)

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