Monday, November 21, 2005

Let's hear it for the Boys

I am almost comatose with exhaustion but I just have to share my gooey feelings of love for boys - or more specifically my boy-friends. For some reason, since becoming a professional ex-pat and all round international woman of mystery, most of my really great new friends have been guys. Probably not that unusual for most swinging sisters out there, but then again, most other normally functioning 25yr olds gals weren't subjected to the dour ministerings of Sr. Sue & Mezza Shezza for the duration of their adolescence. I could go into ball-shrivelling detail but given my current state of fatigue I'll just paraphrase their primary message: boys bad, boys evil, boys not to be trusted.

Many an old school chum complains of much the same symptoms but basically it all boils down to one thing for us - we still tend to see men as these completely foreign creatures. Hard to relate to foreigners sometimes isn't it? Yeah well imagine they're actually from another planet and you don't have a phrase book... oh, and you’re both naked - having fun yet?

But I digress. Despite a long term boyfriend and a whole lot of practice, I think I was 22 before I stopped freaking out every time a strange person with a penis approached me for a chat. Sad, very sad. Anyway now I've relaxed and removed the giant pole from my sphincter, I'm beginning to realise just how much fun I've been missing out on all these years! Boys way rock! My Polish posse in Shanghai totally kicked ass & took such great care of me - those guys will be forever on my Christmas card list and in my heart. And once again, I find my life in Denmark has been saved by a bunch of kind-hearted, y chromosome sporting, alien brothers who entertain me muchly (even if one of them does hail from *shudder* New Zealand).

So this weekend 2 male mates from back home, who are now based in London, popped over for a visit. It was AWESOME! Haven't laughed (or drank) that much in ages. I guess it's always nice to hang with some other Vegemite-eaters after months alone with the frikedeller-feeders, but I’d like to think there was something more to it than that. To tell you the truth they were both more acquaintances than firm friends, but we all hit it off so well I thought it quite strange at times when I couldn’t automatically recall small things like where they grew up or what their last girlfriend was called. Conversation ebbed and flowed and the details which usually fill that anxious space when you 1st meet a person, fell naturally from conversation like the tinted leaves of November (leave me alone – I’m allowed to throw in a whimsical simile every now & again). It was a big warm hug for my soul.

I miss Aussie guys; their unremorseful perving, 12th man quotes, ridiculous distortion of the English language, self-depreciating humour, fan-tabuolous drinking skills, gregarious sociability, spontaneous Hunters & Collectors singing, constant ribbing and silly debates about cars. Of course I did nothing but complain about them for 22 years back home, and no doubt I’ll begin to loath them again the moment I return, but deep, deep down I’ll always know – they’re 10 times more fun than these Danish drips. I can’t wait till February!

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