Monday, November 28, 2005

Snow Day

I officially declare today SNOW DAY! *insert wild cheering* Yes that's right kids, the 1st snow of winter has arrived - let's kill the fattened calf and feast upon nature's bounteous harvest!

Unfortunately not really picking up on any similarly jubilant vibes from my fellow citizens. They're much too cool (forgive the pun), they've seen it all before, they know what's going on... well in the immortal words of Barbara, "Ain't nobody gunna rain on my parade!" I'm digging out the mittens and digging into some serious powder baby!

A true product my toasty heritage, I was completely unprepared for the scene that greeted me outside my door this morning. Note to self: look out window before choosing outfit. Dressed in a hilariously inappropriate shift dress I waded bravely out into the elements only to find an ice patch a couple of metres later and wind up unceremoniously dumped on my ass. Note to self: find shoes with thick tread/tire chains. My clothes a little soggier, but not my spirits, I continued on my journey towards an odd snow-shovelling type machine which helpfully cleared the path ahead of me... and then dumped it promptly on my feet. Note to self: maintain a 5m distance (at least) between feet and snow throwing equipment. Luckily I get a lift to work with a colleague, so my (mis)adventure in the white stuff was fairly brief, but judging from the number of cars on the side of the road (in various states of trauma), the fun had just begun for a bunch of other people. Note to self: don't try to drive... no, don't even think about it girly.

A Queenslander in snow... as useless as a glass door on a dunny. If anyone's looking for me, I'll be outside making snow angels.

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