Gangsta Love

I know everybody says this, but I really have the most amazing group of friends. They are da bomb (but like the flour variety - this here be a peace lovin' blog). Love their sexy, smart, sensational & slightly more than a little dysfunctional asses off. Needless to say since I bailed on my peeps in da hood, to go represent in the big D, shiznits been tougha. But I don't be tripping 'cause my home girls gots my back in the UK and we be kickin it fool. You down? (get yo pimp on here beotches!)
So even though they'll never see this blog, I'm sending a big S-H-to-tha-izzout fizzout to my lay-dees Wello (diving off Santorini on our island hop in August) & Maz (supporting my water pipe habit in Istanbul this April). Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay (couldn't have perpetrated it wit out you doggs).
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