'Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Jingle my bells - I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!
I swear I don't get all these people who moan about the holiday season - I am a glutton for the tree & the carols & the cards & the decorations & the mulled wine & the food & the parties & the presents & the wrapping paper & the stupid earrings & the silly hats & Santa & the elves & the nativity scenes & the Christmas lights & the TV specials & mass & Christmas letters from people you haven't heard from since last Christmas & the crowded shopping streets & EVERYTHING!
Could have something to do with the relative lack of holiday-related responsibilities I suppose (i.e. people to feed, multitudinous bills to pay, house to clean, etc.). No dependents + family on another continent = fairly duty free celebrations. But that's not entirely true - I loved the holiday when I was at home & lumbered with all the accompanying chores as well. I'm just coco for Christmas!
In fact when I was young (ok, so like up until 3 years ago) I used to listen to Christmas carols all year round. Have finally convinced the other gals in the office to let me fire up the holiday tunes today and I'm going off. I swear I haven't been this productive in weeks ;-) Ahhh! Am even using emoticons! Perhaps I do need to tone down the Chrissy Spirit just a touch...

(a few bottles of the season's finest brew)
Oh and just a quick aside - why my Mother thinks it is essential to inform me of every little conversation she has with each & every tradesman that enters the house (in detail!), and then neglects to tell me cousin Emma is having a baby NEXT MONTH, is just beyond me. That woman's priorities really scare me sometimes. Thank God for those above mentioned Christmas letters!
2 Constructive Critisisms:
You know, with all this liking of the holiday season, I'd suggest you get a hold of Wifey. She's nuts about the holidays. Cards to everyone, presents wrapped and all that...
And your mom might just be trying to fill the inadequacy void... I mean, cousins having babies is a part of life, no need to mention it. Either she feels like a failure as a mother, or she wishes her mom would have suggested hookups with random utility servicemen.
Hmmm, thanks for the input but I think you may have got the wrong end of the stick there Bronson. Mum's not the type to be setting up her only daughter with random tradesmen - competent though they may be.
It's just typical of her to blow all the small details out of proportion (ie. having the patio re-roofed)& forget about all the bigger, more important events that are also happening (ie. loved ones becoming parents for the 1st time - gotta disagree with you about it not being worth mentioning).
A big shout out to 'Wifey' btw - you rock on with your Christmassy self!
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