Sunday, January 29, 2006


*Ahem* My name is Brown Pie Piece & I'm a blog-oholic. I've been offline now for... ahh bugger it, I haven't been offline much at all since I started this thing in October!

I'm not sure when this new hobby became a solid habit, but I do know that with my impending departure date looming - & thus the wrenching of dear Matilda (my laptop) from my life - I have begun to maniacally stockpile blog entries. Let me explain my logic.

I'm somewhat obsessive compulsive - I like balanced frames & neat piles & colour coded coathangers - hey, I never claimed to be normal. It's not like my room/work space is some bastion of eternal cleanliness & order (in fact as I look around now, I'd have to confess it's anything but), but there are little 'tells' which give me away in the oddest places. A friend of mine came to stay a few months ago & was in my room not one minute before he spied my spectrum-specific clothes rack. I was quite impressed - not many people pick up on it & certainly not so quickly. Turns out he's similarly disabled.

Anyway a neat blog kinda goes hand in hand with that. I sometimes re-read old entries & if I spot a spelling mistake or typo, or even a turn of phrase I no longer particularly like - I'll be on the edit button like a shot. It's a curse.

Now that I'll be temporarily entering the grotty, time constrained world of internet cafes (& as I full intend to have a life this year!) - the time & resources I can devote to pursuing the trivial will be severely restricted... well at least until I obtain another job with company internet access. But weeks without a single entry = a messy blog in my twisted mind, so I'm sketching out a bunch of posts to insert at random during the dry spell. Thankfully when I 1st started this thing I made a deal with myself to only post once a day - you could only imagine the tide of utter babble that would hit the fan if I released all these 'reserves' now.

And so there you have my sad little tale of woe. Like they say - the 1st step is admitting you have a problem.

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