Sunday, January 22, 2006

Snow-thing better!

Yeps - it's another snow blog! Bloody hell this stuff is fun - excruciatingly cold, painfully inconvenient, damn near impossible to navigate yourself through with anything approaching decorum, BUT SO MUCH FUN!

Never before quite comprehended how many different varieties there are either - the powdery stuff, the slushy stuff, the powdery stuff that melted a little into the slushy stuff then froze again to form a crispy ice layer over the old powdery stuff - it's a whole new world! We've a profusion of the 3rd variety at the moment & I'm having a whale of a time crunching through the pristine expanses, falling on my ass & orchestrating the most delicious cracking choruses.

Contributing to my general merriment, is the hilarious snow ball fight I just had with my Swede (ok, so technically not my Swede... yet). Ouch! Sore & tingling all over - not to mention saturated! Judging from the surly looks we received when we came back inside though, our exuberant revelry was not appreciated by the wider Danish student community. Ahhh, whatcha gunna do? Some poor people are born without limbs - these poor kids were born without a personality.

The night's are very noisy now too. Ice, which was yesterday stretched out like fingers of lightening along bare tree branches & dripping in daggers from road signs, is falling constantly & abruptly to the ground in uneven applause. Every surface movement echoes cleanly through the morgue crisp night.

I rushed out to buy film in the morning but found the tress empty. Shiny sugar cubes of shattered crystal ice lay pillowed on the snow below. The quick & the dead when it comes to ice sculpture I guess.

For a country which apparently sees a bit of this stuff, the frosty conditions seem to have thrown up an oddly insurmountable slalom-like challenge for motorists. I had my 1st proper 'snow day' on Friday because the guys I get a lift into work with decided they really didn't want to play roulette with the Gods that morning. Of course I totally supported the idea in my semi-conscious stupor... that is until I hung up & realised I'd left Matilda at the office (1 night out of a freaking 100 - what are the odds?!). I'm ashamed to say - I wept a little.

Being the good little trooper I am though, I eventually pulled myself together & dragged my ass all the way to Horsens; a 5hr bloody round trip on busses & trains - all of which were hideously behind schedule due to aforementioned ice-capades. And here's the tragic irony of it all - for the next 2 days I then proceeded to ignore the huge pile of work which supposedly had to be completed so desperately it warranted me schlepping half way across the country to collect my laptop - on my 1st SNOW DAY! Ever seen that Simpson's episode where Bart has to stay inside & study for an American history exam, while everyone else gets to cavort around in the snow outside? That about sums it up. This is just for fun.

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