Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Resolutely Irresolute

Call me an incurable optimist but I like new year's resolutions. I can't bring to mind one single pledge that I've actually followed through on, but I like the process nonetheless... or rather, for it's own sake.

It helps me meditate upon and conceptualise those areas of my life that I find wanting. The primary objective is self awareness - not self denial (as most of my resolutions inevitably call for). I can only assume that people who profess to find the exercise pointless (the majority, as far as I can tell) or even discouraging, must take their failures to heart. I guess I get that, but it's not really how I operate - I'm quite happy to be a work in (often erratic) progress.

I'm not going to go through my list of resolutions for 2006 (that's none of your business sticky beak!) but I will divulge that I was quite alphabetical about it this year. After a few shots of the green stuff Kathleen & I each devised a list of 5 key tasks for 2006 and wrote them down on the back of beer coasters which we then signed, counter signed and had notarised by the barman (he would have agreed to anything at that point; we were the only clients in his very overpriced hole-in-the-wall bar, albeit lodged prettily in the shadow of Prague castle, & we were fast polishing off his best bottle of absinthe). Some were lofty - some were not so lofty - all shall be conquered! The last thing I need is a random Czech bartender lodging legal action against me for not finally finishing Don Quixote.

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