Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Final Destination

True Story: 3 days in a row I've been spending endless frustrating commuting minutes (which everybody knows drag on twice as long as normal minutes) sitting around tube stations because (& I quote), "the line has been delayed due to a person under a train". Now I don't mean to be insensitive, but why rush hour people?! Sure your life is an endless monotony of misery, despair & darkness, with no promise of sunny reprise at it's conclusion - but do you have to screw up my morning as well?!

On a more serious note, I really don't have much time for suicides who make other people implicit in their tragic demise. To be so wrapped up in your own selfish world that you can't see how witnessing something like that, or even worse, somehow feeling helplessly responsible for it, can really F up a perfectly innocent bystander/tube driver... well I just don't get it.

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