I miss Aggie!

Read this terrifying article today and went into a slight spin. The kitchen sink has been bleached and all sponges, dishcloths and scourers binned (with firm resolution to repeat task weekly). Given we live in a small terrace house, space in the combo toilet-shower-bathroom is at a premium, so was in a little bit of a quandary as to what to do with the toothbrushes. Eventually resolved issue by deciding they would now live in adjacent laundry annex. Blue Pie Piece not overly pleased as maintains (quite accurately) that we are very good at making sure seat it down before flushing... but I just don't know, you don't mess with Myth Buster results. The knicker kicker is still being workshoped. Due to the, errr, delicate nature of some undergarments, washing at suggested temperatures will just not fly. But a steam cleaner has been booked to sanitise every carpeted and upholstered surface next month. I will sleep the sleep of the just tonight.
Look, I'm naturally predisposed to obsess over all things cleaning-related, so very aware I'm officially this author's target audience and as such, performed just like the tightly wound monkey I know myself to be. Really, I do get the manipulation inherent in the fear-mongering tone these pieces take, and I acknowledge that I have survived living in far dirtier environs than my present situation just fine (hello share house with 5 Irish lads in their mid-20's), and going back further still, probably ate my fair share of kindergarten sandbox filth with gay abandon. But God-damn! It's like a trigger to some repressed specter of my mother, who rises up from my gut and turns me into a Pine O Clean wielding Carrie (but working the projectile vomiting thing in reverse... kind of... ok, I need a better visual metaphor here). Issues; got 'em in spades.
It follows then that I'm also the key demographic for a gem of a program called 'How Clean Is Your House?' and have just been acutely reminded that I miss it TERRIBLY! Not only does it feed my obsession for industrial grade solvents, it also allows me to indulge in my second favourite pastime, judging people. Oh please, please, please Australian TV programming executives - put it back on the schedule! Promise to pop by and hover your house if you do.
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