Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sun is Shining

Now why can't every December day be like today? I travelled to work a little later this morning and was blessed with cool, crisp winter sunlight the entire journey (yup, the whole 1 1/2hrs!). It may not sound like much but this is the 1st time it's happened in about 2 months now and I'm a little amazed at the difference it makes to my mood. I was practically bouncing up the street on the last leg of my commute; cheeks just starting to harden in the sharp wind, watercolour sky clear for miles. Sure I was cold, but in that invigorating 'I'm alive' kinda way.

Lately when I leave for work at 7 and set back again at 4 it's pitch black outside, and as a result, strange things are starting to manifest themselves in my physical health/state of mind. I'm aware it's a fairly normal reaction - especially for us Southern Hemisphere kids - and I hear a bunch of those guys in the white coats even gave it a nifty name: Seasonal Defective Disorder (SAD). But whilst knowing I'm not some total freak of nature does help somewhat, the pretty label still doesn't put the pounce back in the Piece. So to speak.

Screw it, what do I care today?! Today is glorious! So glorious in fact, that I felt inspired to do something on the train this morning that I haven't done for quite awhile... tag someone with a random line of consciousness. It started a few years back when I was 1st tagged myself. I was sitting on a park bench minding my bees-wax in the wider Bris-vegas area, when I spotted a paper napkin next to me. On it was written, 'Your name feels thinner in my mouth than your hair'.

I fell in love then and there, and ever since I've been leaving my own little observational oddities here and there in the hope that somebody else will be as tickled as I was. So what was my contribution to humankind's cosmic quest for self-relevance this morning? Something like:

Criss-crossing wires dissect the dawn into neat parallelograms, deep as they are perfunctory.

Tag, you're it.

2 Constructive Critisisms:

Blogger Pavlov Stowardi came back with...

How about...

Empty bottles scattered around a deserted field create a myriad of fallen hopes and unspoken dreams.

2:45 pm  
Blogger The Brown Pie Piece came back with...

Nice! Now you just have to dispose of it somewhere random...

5:22 pm  

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