The Hoff

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye - The Hoff has a new book! Yes, the complete & unabridged tale of his mullet lovin', smooth car talkin', red-shorted, all dancing, all singing life is to be detailed in an autobiography entitled 'Making Waves'.
Would someone pleeeese take a blunt instrument to the commissioning editors at Hodder & Stoughton! I mean this is the kinda self important, self indulgent trash we've come to expect (& love) from The Hoff, but for a reputable publishing house to encourage it so irresponsibly... it just defies common sense... common decency... probably common law.
p.s. Wrote yesterday's blog whilst a little trashed... a little high on the fact that I got some positive reviews from that ghost of boyfriends past I mentioned last week, back through a 3rd party... which will in turn get back to the ancient ex - Lordy me it drives me MAD that I still care about this crap.
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