Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Divine Noodles

I believe the Creator is actually fettucini.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

BPP is watching you

I will admit to my fair share of intellectual snobbery; I embrace it in fact. It's this warm, cosy coat of hubris which protects me from the inane and eternally banal conversations about Big Brother which seem to take siege over public dialogue for approximately 6 months out of every year.

I do feel moved to throw my 2 cents (or pence, if you will) in today however. In what must be the best mixed metaphor of 2007 so far, Jo of S Club 7 fame, claims she was, "a guinea pig that has been put in a goldfish bowl".

Reach for those stars Jo.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Janet, you are so right

I have new a new super duper mouse pad. It makes me super duper happy. The best things in life really are free (or stolen from the supply cupboard at work).

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Train Your Brain

So The Independent put out a book a couple of weeks ago, with their Saturday edition, called Train Your Brain in 7 days. There was an interactive CD on the Sunday and a pile of wall charts, etc. during the following week. I'm frequently fretting that the old grey matter is not getting nearly enough aeorbercising these days, so I threw down my £1.40 and prepared to get those synapses sweating. Second question into the exercise book (SECOND QUESTION!) and I'm already stumped.

Personal vanity aside, I'm on my knees begging - someone explain this to me please!!!!!!

Q: A bottle of wine weighs 1kg plus half it's own weight. How much does it weigh?

Ans: 2kg.

It's enough to put a gal off drinking.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

-Groucho Marx