They call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle
Listen to BPP kids. BPP knows a little bit about art. BPP highly recommends you get your dirty little mits on a copy of this.

Listen to BPP kids. BPP knows a little bit about art. BPP highly recommends you get your dirty little mits on a copy of this.
'Tis the season to be pursuing the trivial! I leave for my magical 1st White Christmas adventure on the slopes of Serre Chevalier in exactly a week from now, and in celebration I'm knocking out some fun Noel quizzes for the gang. We have 4 days there before the 25th - so a quiz a day!
Phew! I tell you what people - I'm lucky to be here talking to you today. By all rights I should be 6 feet under! The hours my brother's and I spent with our faces pressed to the portable fan, distorting our voices in childish glee was in all actuality, a dangerous game of Russian roulette for very souls. According to those Krazy Koreans, my much lauded Darth Vader impersonation could have been fatal.
Serious question guys: Is this the perfect Christmas present for my brothers (21 & 24), or is it just another sad reflection of a repugnantly bloated Western society so far past the point of reason and personal responsibility, that it sanctions the creation of basely egotistical and functionless commodities for the satisfaction of false and non-essential needs?