Trying to find a way to avoid smugness… feeling the smugness creeping in… highly suspicious of the smugness… smugness cometh before fall.
For the 1st time this year, things seem to be miraculously falling into place, all over the place. Job: CHECK, Finances: semi-check (damn shoes), House: check, Social life: check (x2), Love life: well you can’t have everything can you?
The big high is the job. Seriously, in my most pie-in-the-sky fantasies I never imagined I’d be working for this company. When people used to ask me what I was going to do with a degree in art history and another in business management, to shut them up, I would blather something about fine art auctioneering; specifically naming my current employer. I’m still absolutely gob smacked - I guess the joke’s on me!
It’s a damn site more sexy than saying I work in non-conforming loans too. No one at the pub ever got excited when I mentioned 3 year fixed self cert mortgages. Recounting conversations with Mick Jagger’s brother or discussing the latest Francis Bacon to come up for sale, on the other hand, commands respect.
Despite the actual job description though, the guys I used to work with were a super lovely bunch – so incomprehensively patient with my bumbling ways & good for a bit o’ banter ;-). I was only there for 3 months and when I left they sorted me out with £60 worth of food vouchers because they thought I’d starve working in the arts… what did I tell you – funny! Unfortunately after last Friday night, I can never return.
It’s just too clichéd to bear. I was invited back for the launch off of the project I was helping out on… and there was an open bar… and I was wearing my new pumps… and well… one of my colleagues… technically my supervisor… omg.
That’s enough for today I think.